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Added compatibility to the new Job Link wireless refrigerant scale SR47. All supported refrigerants:
R11, R12, R13, R22, R23, R32, R113, R114, R115, R116, R123, R124, R125, R134A, R236FA, R245FA, R401A, R401B, R402A, R402B, R403B, R404A, R406A, R407A, R407C, R407F, R408A, R409A, R410A, R413A, R414A, R414B, R416A, R417A, R417C, R420A, R421A, R421B, R422A, R422B, R422C, R422D, R424A, R427A, R428A, R434A, R438A, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R452B, R453A, R454B, R458A, R500, R501, R502, R503, R507A, R508B, R513A, R1233ZD, R1234YF, R1234ZE
Added compatibility to the new Job Link wireless refrigerant scale SR47. All supported refrigerants:
R11, R12, R13, R22, R23, R32, R113, R114, R115, R116, R123, R124, R125, R134A, R236FA, R245FA, R401A, R401B, R402A, R402B, R403B, R404A, R406A, R407A, R407C, R407F, R408A, R409A, R410A, R413A, R414A, R414B, R416A, R417A, R417C, R420A, R421A, R421B, R422A, R422B, R422C, R422D, R424A, R427A, R428A, R434A, R438A, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R452B, R453A, R454B, R458A, R500, R501, R502, R503, R507A, R508B, R513A, R1233ZD, R1234YF, R1234ZE
Refrigerant list has been updated with many more refrigerant types. All supported refrigerants:
R11, R12, R13, R22, R23, R32, R113, R114, R115, R116, R123, R124, R125, R134A, R236FA, R245FA, R401A, R401B, R402A, R402B, R403B, R404A, R406A, R407A, R407C, R407F, R408A, R409A, R410A, R413A, R414A, R414B, R416A, R417A, R417C, R420A, R421A, R421B, R422A, R422B, R422C, R422D, R424A, R427A, R428A, R434A, R438A, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R452B, R453A, R454B, R458A, R500, R501, R502, R503, R507A, R508B, R513A, R1233ZD, R1234YF, R1234ZE
Refrigerant list has been updated with many more refrigerant types. All supported refrigerants:
R11, R12, R13, R22, R23, R32, R113, R114, R115, R116, R123, R124, R125, R134A, R236FA, R245FA, R401A, R401B, R402A, R402B, R403B, R404A, R406A, R407A, R407C, R407F, R408A, R409A, R410A, R413A, R414A, R414B, R416A, R417A, R417C, R420A, R421A, R421B, R422A, R422B, R422C, R422D, R424A, R427A, R428A, R434A, R438A, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R452B, R453A, R454B, R458A, R500, R501, R502, R503, R507A, R508B, R513A, R1233ZD, R1234YF, R1234ZE
If after update is complete the SMAN does not atmospheric zero properly, power on SMAN and open all valves to atmospheric pressure. Press the CAL Atmospheric Pressure button.